I love Nurgle. Lets just start off with that. I love the look, the idea of nasty diseased creatures wandering the battlefields, dripping puss and blood and shit and whatever else, maggots and flies crawling everywhere. Devotees to Pop Nurgle are my favorite things to model up. So of course the core of my CSM army is going to be Plague Marines... they look cool and are seriously hard to kill. So I bought me some stuff:
Oh what fatastical models from ForgeWorld. Ive been wanting these for a while... and today, VICTORY IS MINE.
So of course a key thing to remember with resin, is you gotta wash that shit. Apparently they use some sort of mold release agent and the residue remains on the models... what does this mean for you? Well it means that if you dont wash em, you will find that your glue wont stick... you can glue and glue and pray to the dark gods all you want... the shit just wont stick. Not even Tzeentch can weasel his way out of this one. So wash em.
I lovingly gently removed the torso and shoulder pads from the sprue. I whispered softly to them. Soon, soon you will be complete. I might have cried a little... just a little.
But I hear you say, not a torso and shoulder pads does a Plague Marine make! I agree smart ass, and you will see that I got bags and bags of plastic crack from my favorite bits store, Hoard O Bits... I fucking love bits:
Legs for days baby.
a shit ton of backpacks of the chaos variety
arms, bolters, bits... what my dreams are made of
So someone just asked what a good way to remove mold lines is... wait. You should never end a sentance with a preposition. So, someone just asked what is a good way to remove mold lines. That still doesnt sound right. Well fuck. Anyway, this is a good spot for that.
here is a slighty shitty pic of me demonstrating how I hold my blade. I keep the blade perpendicular to the mold line (that is at a 90 degree angle to the mold line). The blade itself I keep at an angle, the sharp side is upward, and the rest of the blade at a 45 degree. I scrape downward on the surface of the model with the blade held at this angle, doing so lightly so I dont lose control of the blade. You will probably have to make a few runs over the mold line if its a particularly nasty one, but always keep control of the blade. More light strokes are better than one heavy one (thats what she said). You cant see it from this pic, cause it was a pain in the ass to set it up, but I usually use my thumb as an anchor on the model to give the blade a place to rest as I come to the end of a downward scrape. Does that make any sense? Bottom line is be careful!
So after spending a good amount of time scraping mold lines from the model, I will do my favorite part... weathering the armor. I feel that any Nurgle worth his testicle cancer will have made a point NOT to take care of his armor, and is so much more comfortable when he is covered in corrosion and pitted ceramite... so its time for the dremel:
I just sort of randomly dig into the armor, leaving pits and scratches and whatnots. Its very relaxing. BBZZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZZZZZZT!
To make sure my Plague Marine has his fun little cloven hoof booties, I switch dremel bits to this bad boy and two quick seconds into the model, we have cloven hooves....
the legs are done. I am finished violating them... for the moment. (evil laugh)
so you can probably see that there is still shredded bits of plastic all over, and it just generally looks like shit. Well we do want it to look beat up, but by Nurgle we dont want it to look like shit! That would just be going too far. Too far I say. So its time for the plastic cement. (if you use this stuff you might want to open a window, of if you are like me you just say fuck it and roll with it, ventilation be damned)
I just paint it on over the dips and scratches I made with the dremel, and the plastic cement does the rest.. it melts down all the little extra shit hanging off and softens the edges of the gouges Ive made. Makes it look beat up in a smoother, gentler, easier to paint kind of way.
awww see how nice that looks? Nothing like a Nurgle in his sunday best to really warm the heart and jiggle the nads.
So while that shit is drying I set to work cleaning mold lines, and of course drilling holes in the barrel of the bolter. I recommend everyone do this, because if there isnt a hole, where will the bullets come out of? Pew pew pew!
I wanted to take a second and show off these sweet ass bases I bought. They are Micro Arts Studios "Spooky" bases. I bought a metric shit ton of them based on the pics online alone, and I have to say I am more than pleased by these... they look fuckin sick! They have scary little ghosty heads and shit in them, and the texture on them is fantastical... just what a growing Nurgle needs to stand upright on the wargame table for hours on end.
Ok, all my parts are cleaned, and that bad muh fucka is all glued together... here is the result:
Not too shabby and only 17 more of these goofy fucks to go. Gonna need a healthy breakfast of Pop Tarts to ensure I have the strenght to complete this monumental task.
Here is one that I started painting last night... I think I will go brighter with the colors than the first dark one I did... I think its more fun! I think in the end all of these little fuckers will get a slightly different paintjob, there are many different diseases afterall, and I dont know if Pappy Nurgle would want his boys to all look exactly the same, that would be fuckin boring!
Time to get to work on the rest of these fellas. Hmmm, I think I have a sore throat... fuckin Nurgle.-Dan
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